G-8 Issue Statement on Global Food Security, Pledge $20 Billion to Fight Hunger
Tue, 07/28/2009

On July 10, 2009, world leaders at the G8 summit in Italy issued a statement agreeing to increase efforts at fighting hunger on a global scale. The governments agreed to partner with vulnerable countries and regions to help them develop and implement their own food security strategies and increase commitments of financial and technical assistance.

The statement enforced that the efforts would be comprehensive and country-owned and would focus on a set of pillars, including: increased agriculture productivity, stimulus to pre and post-harvest interventions, emphasis on private sector growth, smallholders, women and families, preservation of the natural resource base, expansion of employment and decent work opportunities, knowledge and training, increased trade flows, and support for good governance and policy reform.

The statement comes as G8 leaders pledged to provide $20 billion in aid to boost food supplies in developing nations.

The full text of the G8 statement is available here.

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