Kenyan livestock investment strategy can increase incomes, says ReSAKSS-ECA publication
Fri, 01/16/2009

Working paper number 12
Working paper number 12

 The new ReSAKSS Working Paper No.12, "Investment Opportunities for Livestock in the North Eastern Province of Kenya: A Synthesis of Existing Knowledge" details investment strategies for Kenya's livestock sector that have the potential for creating jobs and income opportunities. Among the strategies analyzed in the report, stimulating domestic demand for livestock and livestock products as a way of encouraging livestock sector-led growth has the largest favorable impact on job creation. This strategy is a form of import substitution, in which domestically produced products reduce the need to rely on imported livestock. However, there are several requirements for this strategy to succeed, including the need for creating a favorable investment climate and well-defined roles for the public and private sectors, which are explained.

Download the full report.

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