Strengthening Capacities for Evidence-based Policy Planning and Implementation in Africa: IFPRI's Support to CAADP in 2018-2019


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)


Support to CAADP Reports




This report highlights achievements made in 2018 and the first half of 2019 by IFPRI and its partners in support of the CAADP implementation agenda through ReSAKSS, the AGRODEP Modeling Consortium, and the MaMo Panel.

ReSAKSS was established in 2006 to provide policy-relevant analysis, data, and tools to support the formulation and implementation of evidence-based agricultural-sector policies and strategies, as well as to enable CAADP policy dialogue, peer review, benchmarking, and mutual learning processes. IFPRI facilitates ReSAKSS in partnership with Africa-based CGIAR centers, the African Union Commission (AUC), the African Union Development Agency–NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD), and leading regional economic communities (RECs). The AGRODEP Modeling Consortium, created in 2010 by IFPRI in partnership with African subregional research organizations, is a network of Africa-based experts who can take a leading role in addressing strategic development issues across the continent, including the analytical needs of the CAADP implementation agenda. Led by IFPRI, the AGRODEP Modeling Consortium facilitates the use of economic modeling tools, promotes access to data sources, provides training and research grants, and supports collaboration between African and international researchers. The MaMo Panel convenes 17 leading experts in agriculture, ecology, nutrition, and food security to encourage the development of meaningful policy innovations by African governments in order to accelerate progress toward food security and improved nutrition in Africa as part of the CAADP agenda. The Panel’s core mission is to promote and guide exchanges among high-level policymakers to encourage the scaling-up and replication of successful policies and programs from the best- performing African countries in various Malabo priority areas. The MaMo Panel is facilitated by IFPRI, the University of Bonn, and Imperial College London.

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International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

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