2019 ATOR: Gender Equality in Rural Africa: From Commitments to Outcomes
Quisumbing, Agnes R., ed. Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela, ed. Njuki, Jemimah, ed.
ReSAKSS Annual Trends and Outlook Report
The Malabo Declaration of 2014 outlines seven commitments to enhance livelihoods through inclusive agricultural growth. Gender-sensitive policy and programming have an integral role to play in fostering inclusive agricultural growth to meet these commitments. Gender differences arise from the socially determined relationships between men and women, and the roles that men and women play in society show similarities and differences across classes and societies. Ending hunger, reducing poverty, boosting intra-African trade, and increasing resilience to climate and other risks will require examining how gender differences affect our ability to achieve these outcomes. This means paying attention to both women and men, and not just to women alone. Additionally, ensuring accountability for reaching and maintaining the goals outlined in the Malabo Declaration will require data systems that examine gendered gaps in processes and outcomes.
The 2019 Annual Trends and Outlook Report applies a gender lens to several issues that must be addressed to fully achieve the goals outlined by the Malabo Declaration. It uses a gender, agriculture, and assets framework that examines intersections between gender and (1) the context and institutions within which rural people operate; (2) the natural resources that they depend on for agriculture, sources of vulnerability, and resilience to shocks; (3) assets; and (4) livelihood strategies. The framework recognizes that each component is gendered: men and women experience their context in different ways and the context impacts them differently; access to, ownership, and control over resources and assets can be individual or joint between men and women; and men and women use these resources to pursue different and sometimes joint livelihood opportunities.
ATOR by Chapter
Chapter 1 Introduction [Download]
Chapter 2 Gender and Social Norms [Download]
Chapter 3 Gender and leadership in Africa: Exploring the nexus, trends, and opportunities [Download]
Chapter 4 Women's land rights in Africa [Download]
Chapter 5 Beyond access: Gender-transformative financial inclusion in agriculture and entrepreneurship [Download]
Chapter 6 Building an Inclusive agriculture: Strengthening gender equality in agriculture value chains [Download]
Chapter 7 Building livelihoods for rural youth: A gendered perspective [Download]
Chapter 8 Gender and trade in Africa: Case study of Niger [Download]
Chapter 9 Addressing gender and social dynamics to strengthen resilience for all [Download]
Chapter 10 Toward gender equality: A critical assessment of evidence on social safety nets in Africa [Download]
Chapter 11 Women's control over income: Implications for women's empowerment and the agricultural sector [Download]
Chapter 12 The promise and challenges of gender data [Download]
Chapter 13 Tracking key CAADP indicators and implementation processes [Download]
Chapter 14 Concluding remarks [Download]
ATOR Case Studies
Case Study 1: Cultural Institutions, and Kinship Structures in Rural Malawi
Case Study 2: Engaging Men in Creating New Gender Norms and Practices: Lessons from CARE
Case Study 3: Why Gender Matters for Agricultural Productivity in Africa
Case Study 4: Developing Gender-Inclusive Products and Programs: The Role of Gender in Adoption and Consumption of Biofortified Crops
Case Study 5: The Role of Men in Nutrition: Reflections from Malawi
Case Study 6: How Empowered Are Women in African Agriculture?
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)