ReSAKSS SIide Event at the 14th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting

14th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting

April 25, 2018

Libreville, Gabon

Side Event

Room: Libreville 2

10:15 to 11:45

ReSAKSS Knowledge Products: 2017-2018 ATOR on Social Protection, ReSAKSS Web-based Data Exploration Tools & Data Challenge

Organizer: Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Contact Person : Tsitsi Makombe, Email :

Chairperson: Ousmane Badiane, Director for Africa, IFPRI


Welcome Remarks and ReSAKSS Introduction: 5 mins

Ousmane Badiane, Director for Africa, IFPRI

ReSAKSS 2017-2018 Annual Trends and Outlook Report- Boosting Growth to End Hunger by 2025: The Role of Social Protection: Concept and Preliminary Results: 15 mins

Alemaheyu Seyoum Taffesse, Senior Research Fellow, Development Strategy and Governance Division, IFPRI

Discussion – 20 mins

ReSAKSS Data Challenge and Demonstration of ReSAKSS Web-based Platforms: 25 mins

John Ulimwengu, Africawide ReSAKSS Coordinator and Senior Research Fellow, West and Central Africa Office, IFPRI

Discussion – 25 mins


ReSAKSS knowledge products in support of the CAADP agenda include a flagship Annual Trends and Outlooks Reports (ATORs), an interactive website, and country eAtlases. The ATOR tracks progress on CAADP indicators and each year features a topic pertinent to the CAADP agenda. In light of the Malabo Declaration commitment to end hunger on the continent by 2025, in part, by integrating social protection with measures to increase agricultural productivity, the 2017-2018 ATOR will take an in-depth look at social protection in Africa by examining: i) Africa’s experience with implementing social protection programs; ii) knowledge gaps related to maximizing social protection in enhancing inclusive agricultural growth and transformation, reducing vulnerability, and building resilience of livelihoods; and iii) policy implications for designing and rolling-out national safety net programs in Africa.

ReSAKSS also tracks progress on CAADP indicators through an interactive website, (, which provides easy access to data, trends, analytical tools, and analysis related to the CAADP implementation agenda. The ReSAKSS country eAtlases ( are a GIS-based mapping tool designed to help policy analysts and policymakers access and use high quality and highly disaggregated data at the subnational level on agricultural, socio-economic, and bio-physical indicators to guide agricultural policy and investment decisions in 23 African countries. The eAtlases are available in three languages: English, French, and Portuguese.

In early April 2018, ReSAKSS launched a Data Challenge, a competition that is open to people in academia, research, business, policy, media, arts, civil society, and other sectors across Africa to use data and/or other knowledge products on the ReSAKSS website to produce an innovative knowledge product in the form of an essay, report, visual art, infographic, IT product, or a high school project.

The Side Event is an opportunity for ReSAKSS to present and discuss with participants the knowledge products and tools and the feature topic of the 2017-2018 ATOR on Social Protection. Specific objectives are to:


• Introduce participants to ReSAKSS knowledge products in supporting evidence-based policy planning and implementation as well as facilitating CAADP benchmarking, review, and mutual accountability processes.

• Present the feature topic and preliminary results of the 2017-2018 ATOR: Boosting Growth to End Hunger by 2025: The Role of Social Protection.

• Announce the ReSAKSS Data Challenge and demonstrate use of the ReSAKSS website and country eAtlases.


The side event will begin with welcome remarks and an introduction of ReSAKSS for 5 minutes. This will be followed by a 15-minute presentation of the 2017-2018 ATOR and a 20-minute discussion. The side event will then move to a 25-minute presentation of the ReSAKSS Data Challenge and a demonstration of the ReSAKSS website and country eAtlases followed by second round of discussion for 25-minutes.


The Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) supports the successful implementation of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) by providing policy-relevant data; facilitating dialogue among stakeholders; monitoring progress in reviewing goals; and strengthening mutual accountability processes at continental, regional, and national levels. It is facilitated by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), in partnership with the African Union Commission (AUC), the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA), and leading regional economic communities (RECs). At the regional level, ReSAKSS is supported by three Africa-based CGIAR centers: the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in

Kenya, the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in South Africa, and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Nigeria.

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