2021 CAADP Biennial Review Brief – Kenya



Paul Guthiga and Josephine Love


Biennial Review




The third (2021) BR report and the associated Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard were launched at the 35th African Union (AU) Summit in February 2022. This brief draws on that report to analyze Kenya’s performance in pursuit of the seven Malabo Declaration commitments and assesses the challenges faced and the lessons learned by the country.

The brief also reviews policy and programmatic changes in Kenya induced by the inaugural BR of 2017 (AUC 2018), the second BR of 2019 (AUC 2020), and the most recent BR. The final section of the brief highlights policy actions Kenya must take for it to meet its Malabo Declaration commitments by 2025.

The third BR indicates that Kenya will not achieve by 2025, six of the seven Malabo commitments or many of their sub-themes. The principal exception to this disappointing pattern is the strong on-track progress made on ending hunger by 2025, the third Malabo commitment.

A key recommendation from the analysis is for the country to strengthen capacity for agriculture planning and program delivery. To improve the CAADP processes, the agriculture sector in Kenya needs more investments in technical capacity and greater financial support to strengthen policy analysis, program design, and implementation. The design of the agriculture sector monitoring and evaluation framework should be completed and implemented.



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