Biennial Review 2019 Commitment 6: Enhancing Resilience to Climate Variability



Julie Kurtz and John M. Ulimwengu


Biennial Review




The AU Commission, with support from various partners including the Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS), Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), World Bank, United States Agency for International Development, Africa Lead and CAADP Non State Actors Coalition, developed the Africa Agricultural Transformation Scorecard (AATS) as part of the BR to evaluate member states’ progress toward the goals and to recognize the best-performing countries. The AATS provides a gradual, incremental scale to assess improvement, with “milestones” or “benchmarks” that indicate whether a country or region is on track to achieve the Malabo goals by 2025. For each BR year, the AU has set milestones for all indicators and sub-indicators, as well as overall milestones for the seven thematic commitments, and one overall score milestone. By comparing scores across countries, the peer-to-peer metric can stimulate continuous improvement and help identify countries implementing best practices.

Forty-nine AU Member States reported on their progress during this second cycle of the BR process (compared with 47 Member States in the inaugural report). The 2019 BR milestone score was set at 6.66 out of 10, compared to 3.94 in 2017. Only 4 out of the 49 reporting countries surpassed the 2019 milestone, compared to 20 in 2017. At the regional level, no region was on-track to achieve the Malabo commitments by 2025.

In this brief, Julie Kurtz, Research Analyst, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and John Ulimwengu, ReSAKSS Africawide Coordinator and Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI more closely examine Thematic Commitment 6 (Enhancing Resilience to Climate Variability), its goal and targets, scoring methodology, and the successes and challenges faced by countries in meeting the 2019 milestones.



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