Over 30 African Union member countries have begun the next-generation National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP) process, yet keeping tabs on where each country stands in the multi-year process is a challenge. Until now.
In June 2019, ReSAKSS launched the NAIP Tracking Tool Website with live updated information about each country’s status of NAIP development and implementation, as well as information on any gaps and support needs. The website’s user-friendly interface highlights key milestones such Malabo domestication, stages of NAIP analysis, establishment of NAIP teams, and status of implementation activities. The website offers interactive charts, maps and graphs to analyze the progress in NAIP development for a selected country or group of countries, as well as downloading tools.
The impetus for the NAIP Tracking Tool Website arose as a Working Group from the CAADP Development Partners Coordination Group (DPCG) -- a group of heads of donor agencies, civil society and the private sector co-convened by IFPRI/ReSAKSS and GIZ – worked to coordinate and harmonize support for the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), including NAIP development, across the continent. As the DPCG Working Group strove to identify gaps in the support, improve allocation of resources, and prevent duplication of support overlaps, they recognized the need for a continuously updated source of information on NAIP development, accessibly displayed for easy analysis. One-page outputs for each country soon evolved into an online platform for more efficient updating of information, launching today. Representatives of each agency of State Ministry responsible for the NAIP process will be responsible for updating NAIP information on the Tracking Tool website.
Supporting agencies, donors and stakeholders are all encouraged to interact with the country profiles on the NAIP Tracking Tool public dashboard to witness the ongoing agricultural transformation process in AU Member States.

Guiding Principles of NAIPS
- Seven high-level goals and principles outlined in the 2014 Malabo Declaration
- Policies outlined in Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) for agricultural transformation, wealth creation, food security and nutrition, economic growth and prosperity for all.
Key Contributors to NAIPs
- ReSAKSS Agricultural Development economists and scientists (NAIP Expert Team)
- Country-level analysts, and Ministries of Agriculture, Rural Development, Health, Natural Resources, Bureaus of Statistics (NAIP Country Team)
- Regional Economic Communities (RECs)
- The African Union Commission (AUC) and its Development Agency AUC-NEPAD (NPCA)

Visit the NAIP website here : https://naip-status.resakss.org/
By Julie Kurtz.