INVITATION - InfoPoint Lunchtime Conference: "Recent trends and Outlook in African Agricultural Trade" - Monday 18 February 2019, 12:30 – 14:00

Trade is an important avenue through which countries transform their economies and raise standards of living. For African countries, trade in agricultural products offers great potential to boost incomes for farmers, processors and other agricultural value chain actors. The 2018 Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor (AATM), the first in a series of annual reports assesses long-term and emerging trends and drivers of Africa’s global, intra-Africa, and intra-regional economic community trade in agricultural products. It examines Africa’s recent performance in different markets and identifies changes in the composition and direction of trade.

The Report is a collaboration between the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). It builds on the work of the Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) and the African Growth and Development Policy Modelling Consortium (AGRODEP) on trade, both facilitated by IFPRI under its work in support of the African Union Commission’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme.


Leonard Mizzi

Head of Unit DEVCO C1- Rural Development, Food Security, Nutrition


Isolina Boto

Manager, CTA Brussels Office


Ousmane Badiane

Director for Africa, IFPRI

Viwanou Gnassounou

Assistant-Secretary-General, ACP Secretariat

Conference language: English

Language Q&A session: English


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